  一位來自西班牙Granada的朋友 Alberto Cuellar

一位來自西班牙Granada的朋友 Alberto Cuellar

在1月14日下午,筆者剛從香港商會與海關合辦的講座後返回公司途中,突然接到多年前的學生黃文錦來電急call。原來他說有一位來自西班牙Granada的朋友 - 阿爾貝托˙古埃亞(Alberto Cuellar),是一位專業吉他演奏家(古典與Flamenco),他於1月13日剛從西班牙抵達香港,逗留兩天後便轉飛北京,所以他希望在1月14日當天能跟筆者見面。因此,為了能達成這個安排,筆者終於到了晚上九時(下班後)才能有時間,在佐敦的餐廳見面及一同吃晚飯;但是由於我還要回家準備明早的會議議情之原故,筆者在十一時後便與Alberto及黃文錦道別了。

在短短兩個多小時的會談中,Alberto給我介紹了一些有關他的背境及發展目標。原來他祖父Pepe Cuellar是Granada著名Flamenco吉他演奏家,曾參加1922年在當地舉行的首屆佛拉門哥歌唱比賽,並榮獲最佳伴奏吉他手之獎項。因此,Alberto在祖父的影响下也很喜歡伴奏唱歌!另外,Alberto說他在倫敦學習時,也曾探訪過筆者老師 Paco Peña哩。

而其後我們亦談到Flamenco在中國現時的情況,因Alberto在去年先後兩次參加了在杭洲及西安的演出活動,對國內的情況也有點了解。大致上,Alberto也認同筆者的說法是國內學習Flamenco吉他的學生,普遍對compàs的掌握欠穩及太急於求成(以彈樂曲為主) ,以致往往忽略了在節奏基礎上的磨練,導致水準難以提升。


而最近筆者也剛收到Alberto在北京的通訊住址及電話,若大家有興趣隨他學琴的話,也歡迎讀者直接跟他聯絡 :

北京市朝陽區利擇中街望京花園新區 (地鉄站WangJingXi附近) 郵編:100102

北京聯絡電話號碼:13520240109 ** Alberto能說英語及一點點普通話**



歐永財 2009年2月2日

以下是Alberto的個人生平介紹及一段在西安大學的錄像給大家參考 :



Alberto Cuéllar was born in Granada in 1973. He stated its first guitar strokes influenced by a legacy since 19th century he inherited from his great grandfather , and more directly from his grandfather Pepe Cuéllar also known as “Hijo de Salvador”, who was awarded the first price for guitar at the first Competition of Flamenco Cante Jondo in 1922 organized by Manuel de Falla and Federico García Lorca, among others.

Alberto perfected his musical knowledge at the Guildhall School of Music in London during four years with professor Robert Brigthmore graduated in classical guitar by the Kent University of England in 2000.

He went to California, EE.UU. in 1997 and 1998 taking lessons and playing with Pepe Romero in San Diego. Also he knew in Madrid and Granada the flamenco guitarists Pepe Habichuela and especially Juan Carmona “Habichuela” giving some flamenco concerts together in 1999 and 2000.

Together with his classical education and performances he also developed a career as a flamenco solo player and accompaniment guitarist for flamenco singers in Granada, Spain for many years playing in several "Peñas Flamencas" ( Flamenco Clubs-Societies ) in Spain.

Alberto Cuéllar has made two recordings as a solo guitar player in 1998, San Diego and 2002, Granada –Producciones Discográficas Ambar-

To underline some the concerts he has played as a solo guitar in London Cervantes Institute, Cambridge University, Barbican Center, Bolivar hall in England, Andalusian Music Festival in San Juan de Luz in France, I Guitarist Concert Festival in Corral del Carbón, Granada, Spain ...

And as a soloist with orchestra in Córdoba Almodóvar Medieval Castle and Auditorium of Tenerife, Spain to open the International Society of Musical Education Congress.

Alberto Cuellar now lives in Beijing, China.