  【中華之聲】《hug her when she is crying》詞曲原創作品分享 - 王慶

【中華之聲】《hug her when she is crying》詞曲原創作品分享 - 王慶

103號我寫了這首歌《hug her when she is crying》, 寫這首歌的靈感來自於近期的情感方面的不順利。等待了很久的異地戀人回國了,最終卻走向了悲傷的結局。那天晚上做了個噩夢,夢見他說事情發展不順利他要回南非去了,我在夢裏哭得很傷心很心痛,可能哭到身體起了保護反應我就在淩晨4點驚醒了。

醒了之後不知道為什麼腦子突然出現一段某個樂隊的一句旋律,我也想不起來是哪樂隊,就是我的第一句歌詞的旋律。一句像不算抄襲吧?哈哈。然後大腦突然飛速對應了flight, cry, night三個英文單詞,發現恰好押韻。然後整個悲傷的故事突然轉變成了靈感突現就不再那麼悲傷了,我迷迷糊糊地怕醒了旋律忘記了,於是摸黑把歌詞和旋律哼唱記了下來然後又倒頭睡了。



Video:【中華之聲】王慶詞曲原創作品分享《hug her when she is crying

hug her when she is crying

she had a bad dream last night

where you came for a talk

you said you booked an oneway flight

cuz it did not work out

then she suddenly started to cry

so hard she woke up at 4

hug her when she is crying

just hug her when she is crying

hug her when she is crying

dont be so cold and watch

tell her whats on your mind

just tell her whats on your mind

tell her whats on your mind

it should not hurt to talk

she had a bad dream last night

where you came for a talk

you said you booked an oneway flight

cuz it did not work out

then she suddenly started to cry

so hard she woke up at four

hug her when she is crying

just hug her when she is crying

hug her when she is crying

dont be so cold and watch

treat her like a silver lining

just treat her like a silver lining

treat her like a silver lining

she deserves your respect

hug her when she is crying

hug her she is crying

hug her she is crying

don't you see she is crying

don't be so cruel

don't be so cruel

don't be so cruel

she is begging you to hug her

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