  《彈唱天地歌迷會 》2021.10.30 Mini Concert 演出後感想 – Flamenco小組

彈唱天地歌迷會 2021.10.30 Mini Concert 演出後感想 Flamenco小組


此外,由於莫瑞祺校長近期公務繁重,故此他為Mini-concert創作的一首Farruca in Em將於稍後再向大家作出詳盡的報,請稍等。




[1] 林學銳 Joy

在今次的mini concert裡,我演奏了一首日本的舊歌北の旅人》,這是偶然在youtube上見到的一首吉他演奏曲,經瞭解原來系改編自1987年石原裕次郎演唱的作品,在我聽回原曲時,我強烈感受到一種身在北方所產生的,強烈的孤寂感。石原裕次郎的聲音帶有很濃烈的滄桑感,這種獨特的唱法爲歌曲添加了一份淡淡的哀愁,日本人帶有演歌的唱法,表現出在其他民族裏很難體驗到的獨特音色。

歌詞大概如下:「沿着走到海岸峭壁的邊緣, 孤零零一盞的紅色燈火亮起 ,可愛的你喊着 一直等候你, 在我的背後 已化爲海風 ;夜晚的路大概會下着雨吧 ,於老舊的酒店內聽到你的消息, 窗戶的前方交雜着西北風 ,約略半年以前左右在此店 哭泣成癖 酗酒成癖 淚水成癖的人, 往何處去了? 瘦弱的身影 ,夜晚的函館, 過於痛苦的濃霧, 連那汽笛聲也在空中被撕裂成絮 ,哭泣離別 !最盡頭的港口, 總想有一次用這雙手,盡情的緊緊抱着 ,讓她痛哭一場 ;無法抹去尋找人兒的形影, 夜晚的小樽 ,雪花在肩頭飛舞。」




另外今次我和Angelacastanets合奏了一首Sevillanas第一次和castanets合奏, castanets連續快速打出的響板,正如舞者跳舞時的踏腳聲一樣,經過這種合奏練習,可以更好的彈奏出rasgueado這種技巧,當能夠用自由快慢的速度去和castanets合奏時,亦代表能夠更自如的彈奏rasgueado

[2] Zebedee

由歐永財魅力佛蘭明高藝術團主辦的 Mini-Concert 2021 於上月30日晚在一片歡樂聲中完滿結束。 我十分榮幸能出席並參與當晚音樂分享表演,再次感謝歐Sir給我演出機會和鼓勵。

從認識歐Sir及加入【弗歌小組】轉眼間超過8年了,期間除了跟隨歐Sir學習Flamenco彈奏技巧外,我亦參與過不少公開音樂表演但都是以小組合奏或伴奏爲主。 這次以個人獨奏演出是我新的嘗試。也是給我自己一個考驗。

原本打算給大家分享一首Flamenco曲目,但因其它工作安排使我未能分配足夠練習時間以至最終改選擇了「天空之城」和「Green Sleeves」兩首較簡單的 Classical曲目。 雖然表演時間實際不足5分鐘,但我也用了一個多月時間練習。 可是表演後才發現還有很大進步空間。 例如樂曲情感演繹方面 (力度大少和彈奏速度必需清楚掌握) 和最佳收音的擺放位置 (必需表演前預先確定) 等。

Video : 《彈唱天地歌迷會》Mini-concert guitar solo天空之城 & Green sleeves by

雖然我最終放棄了彈奏Flamenco曲目,但最初選曲期間讓我重温了不同基本Flamenco guitar 彈奏技巧RasgueadoTremoloArpeggio Picado 等。 真有温故知新的感覺。

其次在這次Mini-Concert中,我可以欣賞到歐Sir不同學生的超高水平演出令我大開眼界。 特別當看到民歌組合們的表演時,我年青時代夾Band美好回憶即時湧現眼前。真有點衝動提起結他上前跟他們合奏呢!至於夏威夷小結他Ukulele不同組合的表演,也能給觀眾帶來驚喜。也給我往後編製樂曲帶來新靈感。Great

最後我也通過這次活動認識了曾繁宇和周瓊蕾兩位新師兄姐。在互相交談當中, 我感覺他倆對Flamenco非常熱忱。再加上觀賞他倆的初次演奏後,我更自愧不如。相信不久將來在藝術團帶領下他倆定能分享更多優美的Flamenco 樂曲給大家。我也希望日後能與他倆有機會比此多作交流、切磋。在漫長學習Flamenco路途上互相成長、進步。努力!

[3] 曾繁宇

Mini Concert中學習

得悉有機會能上演奏,馬上答應歐老師,亦重新編排練習日程,每天加插樂曲練習,務求完美演繹歐老師作品,深知上三分鐘,下十年功的前人經驗,故每次練習均認真彈奏。過程中還將樂曲試用不同方式演繹,包括拍子完全自由地随心所有滑音(ligado)刻意延長,最終還是決定按原曲,盡量原汁原味順耳 為上。直至樂曲已經滾瓜爛熟,充滿信心地連閉上眼睛也可以流暢完成,誰知誰知現場表演真的是兩碼子事,上前一分鐘血壓忽然急速上升,心跳加速,混身發熱,明顯因為見有現場觀眾而使自己無限緊張,腦袋閃出放棄;投降。最终硬著頭皮上,現在回想起來由第一個音符直至最後的消音(apagado),腦袋裡都是一片空白,混亂得所有聲響都是左右手條件反射出來的,汗由背脊直下,直至全部樂曲完成,連站起來都忘記躬身致謝,回到坐位坐下後非常後悔,真希望可以再來一次,明明反覆練習,信心十足,怎麼現場踫壁,唉!可以再彈一次嗎?

Video : 《彈唱天地歌迷會》Mini-concert Flamenco solo Farruca by Tsang Fan - Yu


也許,未來歐老師要增加一門學課,叫如何避免/克服現場獨奏緊張;要控制哪一些情緒?專注點在哪方?這都是單純獨自練習時缺乏的拼圖,導致空白出現。綜合以上種種原因,「現場表演」Live不僅僅技巧要熟練,心理質素仍是不可或缺的部份,原來扮演有觀眾面前的Copy Cat也不是一件容易的事哩

[4] 周瓊蕾 Helen

Love at first sight is how I describe my relationship with Flamenco guitar. The relationship began when I spotted a promotion flyer about a Flamenco guitar course. Although I am in love with it, I am still a novice. Thus, participating the performance required lots of guts for a beginner who are still on the tip of the iceberg of the Flamenco guitar without knowing enough about it. My participation is not only to support the fan club but also support myself by challenging my own confidence. Through this event, I hope to deepen my thought in the music development. Thanks to Raymond for giving me this opportunity. Thanks also to the Flamenco group fellow and the folk song and Ukulele group for their inspiration. Thanks to Los Duende Fans Club!

My reflection on the mini concert can be lengthy but I chose to focus on about learning and what the mini concert brings. To me, learning is a beautiful thing; life becomes meaningless without learning. Positive learning atmosphere excites people. I think the fan club is a place where people can be energized. The Los Duende Fans Club widen the learning horizon on top of the structured Flamenco guitar program.

Such mini concert makes learning more fun and more holistic. I feel like getting support from the members of the club. Their presence is important. I appreciate their friendly greeting. I appreciate the arrangement for testing the hot seat prior to the formal rundown because it helped relaxing my tense muscle to some extent. I appreciate everyone’s support.

The concert begins with “mini” but it can create profound impact. The 3-minute flamenco guitar play was powerful. It is not because I played well but the tiny time scale provided a big space for heightening my awareness of areas of improvement; the event serves as a large sounding board for me. A space for finding what could be done down the music development journey, a space for discovery … a space for setting goals. All these help my music development journey.

What can support more in the learning journey is to have feedback from the audiences, for I may not be able to see my blind spot. In the future, I think face-to-face Master Class arrangement can be very helpful especially for distance learners. I also think that one day all the guitar groups can play as one team to create something unique to contribute more to the music curriculum.

For now, I am working on to better capture the “Aire” of each “Palo” that I have learnt, to better manipulate the fret board, to build strength on my fingers and to understand music theory for song structure. I hope by following the learning rule (the 10-thousand hour rule) I could be an amateur guitar player in 5 years and a professional player in 10 years. Thinking about what can be possible and the image on the other side of the thousand-mile journey has already made me happy. But first, I need to get through the current course to enable me to advance. Keep up!!!

Video : 《彈唱天地歌迷會》Mini-concert Flamenco solo Tientos by Helen Chow